
Age: 16
Lives in: West Vancouver, BC

Grace’s hobbies include playing volleyball and maintaining an active lifestyle through health and fitness, as she loves spending time at the gym. She has been playing volleyball since grade 7 and also plays for a club team. This year, during nationals, Grace received the Nationals All-Star Award from her team. She enjoys managing social media and content creation, not only for her personal brand but also in her role as the manager and social media manager of her school’s Varsity Boys’ Provincial Basketball team. With hundreds of hours dedicated to enhancing their athletics program, Grace received the Outstanding Athletic Service Award. Additionally, she is passionate about makeup, skincare, and beauty, using them as a way to express and present herself.

From a young age, Grace has been passionate about entrepreneurship, creating business start-ups on whiteboards since she was 8, covering everything from product design to profit margins and marketing. This year, I was accepted into the Young Entrepreneurship Leadership Launchpad (YELL) program, which has further honed her business and leadership skills through creating business start-ups and competing in the year-end venture challenge against students from across the province.

Grace’s future goals include creating her own successful company, becoming a CEO, being featured on Forbes 30 Under 30, and giving back to her community. She aspires to become a public figure on social media where she can utilize her platform to advocate for type 1 diabetes, as she has in the past at Kids For a Cure Lobby Day 2018 and as a Dexcom Brand Ambassador.