Type 1 diabetes (T1D) and COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions

March 31, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is a very worrisome time for everyone, especially those with additional health concerns. To support and inform the T1D community, JDRF Canada consulted a panel of Canadian endocrinologists (listed below) to provide answers to some of your most frequently asked questions.

First and foremost, the importance of good hygiene and social distancing in reducing the risk of infection or spreading infection to others cannot be stressed enough.   

Each person with T1D is different, and we would encourage you to discuss your needs with your healthcare team – the answers below should not be taken in place of medical advice. In addition, the situation with COVID-19 is changing rapidly, with new evidence emerging every day. This information is current as of March 25th, 2020.

Q: Are people with T1D at higher risk of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19?

There is no evidence that people with T1D are at increased risk of being infected by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Reports from other countries that have implied that people with diabetes may be at higher risk of coming down with COVID-19 might be explained by the fact that people with diabetes had more frequent interactions with other patients and healthcare providers early during the outbreak, when the importance of social distancing was not yet known.

Q: Why do people with diabetes have a worse prognosis when they get COVID-19?

Based on what is known about other viral infections, if a person with T1D comes down with COVID-19, the consequences might be more severe, particularly if they have other health concerns or complications from diabetes (such as heart disease, heart failure, kidney disease) and/or are above the age of 70. In addition, managing blood glucose during an infection is difficult and adds an additional layer of complexity to treatment. If someone with T1D is struggling with illness management when sick with COVID-19, they could be at increased risk of ketosis and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), of other (bacterial) infections if they have very high blood sugar, or of hypoglycemia.

A large proportion of people who have died from COVID-19 in China had diabetes – but most of these were likely people with type 2 diabetes, who are on average older than people with type 1 diabetes. It is also not yet clear whether diabetes itself causes worse outcomes, or whether worse outcomes are seen because people with diabetes often have other medical conditions (such as heart or kidney disease) that increase risk. Research in progress will hopefully provide more information on these uncertainties soon. As with any disease, each individual is different, and we encourage you to consult your healthcare team to discuss your risks.

Q: Do people with T1D need to take extra precautions to avoid getting COVID-19, above and beyond those recommended for the general population?

Social distancing is crucial at this time to protect yourself and others from exposure. We all have a part to play in minimizing the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in Canada, and each of us can set a good example: stay home as much as possible, use virtual options for work or socializing, ask a delivery service or a friend to bring groceries, and keep 2 m away from others if you must go out. For clinic visits, please check with your healthcare team about options for video or phone visits, and delay routine lab work unless there is a clear and urgent need.

If you struggle with your glucose control and have a complication such as heart or kidney disease, or if you are older (~60 years or older), we would encourage you to consider taking all steps possible to minimize potential exposure. If you have high HbA1c (>9%), you may also wish to monitor blood sugar closely and work with your healthcare team (by phone or video) to safely reduce this over the coming weeks when COVID-19 may remain a problem, as lowering your HbA1c could mean a lesser impact of COVID-19 if you do become sick.

Q: My child has T1D – is he or she at high risk compared with a child who does not have T1D?

In general, children who become sick with COVID-19 have mild disease. There is still no published evidence about COVID-19 in children with T1D, but anecdotal evidence from Europe suggests that children with T1D who become ill usually have mild disease and that many children can be managed safely at home with appropriate management of illness.

However, children and youth are not immune to serious illness and in this situation it is important to prevent possible DKA (a serious and life-threatening condition), severe hypoglycemia, and dehydration. During times of illness, it is important to monitor blood glucose and ketones as indicated, follow guidelines as well as connect with your local diabetes team as needed. We recommend ensuring that ketone testing supplies (urine and/or blood strips) have not expired, and being ready to give extra rapid-acting insulin, if required, if your child has elevated glucose and ketones  ̶ as often as every 3-4 hours if indicated. Following illness management guidelines through your diabetes clinic is recommended. For example, here is a useful link to information on illness management from Ontario’s Provincial Council for Maternal and Child Health. Additional details in English and French can be also accessed here.

Q: Is our insulin supply in Canada under threat? How about diabetes supplies or devices?

Thus far, we are aware of no disruptions to the supply chain for medications including insulin, or for diabetes devices. For a list of notices from specific manufacturers, please visit www.jdrf.ca/t1d-and-covid-19/. However, the availability of some medicines (including insulin) in individual pharmacies is being affected as many consumers have been requesting more medicines than usual. We are continuing to monitor the situation and provide information and support. If you cannot obtain insulin, we encourage you to reach out directly to your insulin manufacturer’s customer care team.

Q: I’ve heard that certain blood pressure-lowering medications (ACEis and/or ARBs) might increase my risk of coming down with COVID-19. Is it safe to keep taking these medications?

There is no good evidence to tell us that these drugs worsen the risk of getting COVID-19 or the consequences once infected (see a statement from Hypertension Canada from March 13th, 2020 here). If your doctor started one of these drugs to protect your heart or kidneys you should keep taking it, unless you have diarrhea, vomiting, or are dehydrated, in which case consult your healthcare team for advice.

Q: How about ibuprofen?

Despite some suggestions in the media that ibuprofen should be avoided with COVID-19, as of yet there is no evidence to suggest it is unsafe, although some health authorities (such as the NHS in the UK) are recommending acetaminophen as a first choice to treat a fever with suspected COVID-19. However, for anyone that takes ibuprofen for other conditions (such as arthritis), there is no need to stop at this time. Patients with advanced kidney damage should be cautious about using ibuprofen in general and this situation also applies to the current situation. Some CGM sensors (including Dexcom G4 and G5, Medtronic Enlite, and possibly others) are affected by acetaminophen and cause the sensor to show a higher reading than the true blood glucose level over the 3-4 hours after taking a typical dose. Thus, if you use one of these sensors and suspect you may have COVID-19, we encourage you to use a back-up glucose monitoring method (fingersticks) if taking acetaminophen.

Q: How can I support my family in learning about and preparing for COVID-19?

Families must find appropriate ways to speak to their children about the pandemic and teach or reinforce important health behaviours that lower risk of exposure. Each family must find their own solutions to adapt to restrictions such as social distancing or quarantine. A helpful resource can be found here.

Q: Should I avoid attending in-person medical appointments right now?

It’s best to contact your local healthcare team for advice. Many clinics are offering appointments by phone or video call to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19, as well as delaying routine lab work. Rest assured, if there is an urgency to be seen, your teams will be able to see you. It is just not wise to have large groups of people congregating at health care facilities right now.

For additional information on preventing COVID-19, being prepared, and what to do if you think you might have symptoms of COVID-19, please visit jdrf.ca/coronavirus.

We sincerely thank Dr. Farid Mahmud (Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Endocrinology, Hospital for Sick Children), Dr. Remi Rabasa-Lhoret (Professor of Medicine and Nutrition at the L’Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM) and Le Centre hospitalier de l’université de Montréal (CHUM)), Dr. Bruce Perkins (Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, University of Toronto), and Dr. Peter Senior (Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, University of Alberta) for offering insights.

#BellLetsTalk about mental health and type 1 diabetes

January 25, 2020

As Canada continues to break its silence on the discussion around mental illness, this #BellLetsTalk Day we thought it was important to shed light on the power and resilience of the type 1 diabetes (T1D) community, who navigates the emotional challenges of living with a disease that has no cure, every day.

This past November, we launched an awareness campaign for National Diabetes Awareness Month called Dear Type 1™. We asked the community to write an open letter to their disease, and the responses we received were overwhelming. As we riffled through hundreds of entries, we learned of the struggles and emotional burdens you face on a day-to-day basis, either as someone living with the disease, or as a friend or family member of someone living with T1D. Some called their diabetes names — cursing its existence — while others explained how they turned their adversity into strength and motivation, in order to live a healthier life.

Type 1 diabetes is a disease that requires 24/hour attention, constant check-ins with your physical and mental self, poking and prodding and so much more — resulting in high levels of anxiety, which can also lead to depression.

#BellLetsTalkDay is a day dedicated to breaking down the stigma that comes with mental illness, and we wanted to share some of the #DearType1 stories that spell out the emotional burden of living with this disease in such a raw and honest way.

We thank those of you who took the time to submit your letters, helping us raise awareness, break down some of the misconceptions often associated with T1D and drive action in mental health and T1D. Your candid insights and honest thoughts about this disease are what makes us work harder for a cure every day.

Until we find that cure, we will continue to advocate for you and fuel leading-edge research to create a world where everyone touched by T1D can live healthier, safer and easier lives.







This #BellLetsTalk Day, help fight the stigma, reach out to friends and family and offer your support…

Are you newly diagnosed and struggling with how to manage it all? JDRF offers programs that connect you with the T1D community to find emotional support and helpful resources to tackle the daily challenges of living with type 1

Learn more about it here.

The impact of your voice this National Diabetes Awareness Month

December 5, 2019

National Diabetes Awareness Month (NDAM) has officially come to an end, and we cannot thank you enough for your overwhelming support and participation.

Here are some of the great initiatives you took part on that helped make this NDAM so special:

You shared your Dear Type 1™ stories, and it made a strong impact

This November we asked you, the type 1 diabetes (T1D) community, to share your stories, help raise money and support leading edge T1D research. You responded to our ask—submitting over 155 #DearType1 letters—bravely shedding light on your struggles, successes and experiences living with type 1, or knowing someone who does. The struggles of this 24/h disease are often forgotten. By sharing your stories, you helped educate readers, and advocate for change. Thank you so much for opening up to the community through #DearType1.

With each submission, we were lucky to receive the support of Ascencia, who donated $5 for every letter sent in. We greatly appreciate their help.

Our #deartype1 initiative was such a success that Tandem Diabetes Care has stepped forward with a challenge to continue this momentum! For every story shared during the month of December, Tandem will give $5 to JDRF Canada, up to $7500. Share your story and help change the way people talk about living with T1D.

You toured Dr. Kieffer’s lab with us and learned about stem cell therapies

Throughout NDAM, we also wanted to share exciting research developments with you. That’s why we were so excited to bring you to Dr. Kieffer’s lab live to update you on stem-cell therapies, and allow you to ask questions about this exciting field of T1D research. Your engagement on our Facebook live was so encouraging, and re-affirmed the importance of these partnerships for JDRF. Thank you for tuning in and learning with us.

You advocated with us at Queen’s Park

We also had the opportunity to take you with us to Queen’s Park in Toronto, ON, where we sat down with advocates in the industry partnering with MPPs to discuss the need for affordable, and accessible devices like CGMs and FGMs in the province. A huge thanks to the JDRF delegates who took part in these efforts advocating for access to the best health technology for every Canadian living with T1D.

You’re the reason why we can move forward

Because of your overwhelming support and donations throughout NDAM, the Miller family was so inspired by the T1D community, they stepped up to match all donations until the end of November, up to $40,000. We thank the Millers so much for their gratitude and support in moving us closer to our goal.

Because of you, this NDAM we were able to surpass our fundraising goal. Thank you so much for your generous support.

A response like this is the driving force behind supporting ground-breaking T1D research. From artificial pancreases to new advancements in stem cell replacement therapy, we continue to grow closer to better treatment therapies and cures for this disease.

While this progress is tremendous, we continue to encourage this momentum in T1D research breakthroughs. We can only ensure that the most promising research continues to take place with your help.

We promise to continually fight for you today, and every day—advocating for progress and partnering with lead researchers and health care providers so you can live a longer, healthier life until one day we find a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Thank you to everyone for making this NDAM so special.

Please continue to share your #Deartype1 stories and raise awareness about T1D, because every T1D experience matters.

Dear type 1™, It’s been a big adjustment.

November 6, 2019

Type 1 diabetes became a part of Danny Miller’s family’s life just 18 months ago when his son, Cody, was diagnosed.

“My wife is a trained pediatrician, so she saw some signs,” he remembers. “She believed he could have type 1 diabetes, so she took him to the ER and that’s when Cody got diagnosed. There were lots of tears and challenges, but she and I, and Cody especially, reacted really well and rose to those challenges.”

As the Millers began to learn more about type 1 diabetes, they turned to JDRF. “I think we ordered the Bag of Hope the first day after his diagnosis. There was an issue with fulfillment, so a JDRF staff member actually delivered it to our house. Cody was in tears when he saw Rufus, the bear with diabetes. He started giving him his injections right away and today, almost 18 months later, he’s still snuggling with Rufus in bed.”

The Miller family

Type 1 diabetes has been a big adjustment for the Millers, but like all families affected by this disease, they had to quickly adapt, and now, 18 months later, they’re committed to doing everything they can to prevent Cody from experiencing future complications associated with the disease.

“We need to support T1D research in order to find a cure. We’re so close,” says Danny. “There are all sorts of exciting research programs happening, especially here in Canada, from stem cells to the artificial pancreas.”

Thanks to the Miller family’s generous support, all donations to JDRF between November 1st and November 30th will be matched up to $40,000. Donate today and every dollar of your gift will be matched.

Danny truly believes that because of the support of JDRF and the entire T1D community, a future without type 1 diabetes has never been closer. For him, “a cure to me and my family would mean back to normal. It would be incredible.”

Thank you for supporting a future free of type 1 diabetes this National Diabetes Awareness Month!

To learn more about National Diabetes Awareness month, and to hear more Dear Type 1™ stories, go to jdrf.ca/deartype1.