Board of Directors
We are grateful to the tremendous contribution of the following individuals. Their guidance and expertise bring us closer to a world without type 1 diabetes each day.

Helena Gottschling
(Kelowna, BC)
“I volunteer as a Board member for Breakthrough T1D because of their unwavering commitment to find a cure for type 1 diabetes and while on that journey, improve the lives of those living with T1D. Our son was diagnosed with T1D many years ago and Breakthrough T1D has given me hope and renewed confidence that a cure will be discovered during his lifetime.”

Sue Beamish
President, Aluminum Mold & Pattern
(Toronto, ON)
“I believe Breakthrough T1D plays a pivotal role identifying, supporting and nurturing the important early stage research needed to keep moving to a cure for T1D. Breakthrough T1D advocacy in Canada also ensures the challenges and full costs of living everyday with T1D are understood when health care funding decisions are made. I am proud to support Breakthrough T1D and volunteer as a board member.”

Jennifer Bizzarri
Consulting Partner, Marts&Lundy Canada
(Toronto, ON)
“I was diagnosed in 1989. So much has changed since those early days, largely due to developments funded by Breakthrough T1D. Now it’s my turn to make things better for the next generation, and most importantly, to help find the cure.”

Dr. Nick Hajidiacos
Physician, Associate Professor of Medicine
(Winnipeg, MB)
"Volunteering for Breakthrough T1D means being part of an organization that shares a common goal - preventing and finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. After my son's diagnosis, I promised I would do everything I could to be a part of the mission. I am proud and lucky to be a part of this dynamic and focused organization."

Holly Jackson
Chair, Nominating and Governance Committee,
Head, North American Customer Contact Centre, BMO
(Toronto, ON)
“My sister has had T1D for 43 years, since she was 5 years old. I am committed to helping find a cure in our lifetime so that she and all those with T1D can enjoy the freedom of life without the constant of diabetes. I know we can do it – and I am passionate about being part of the solution. Imagine a world where type one is type none!"

Kim Lucas
Senior Vice President, Sales North America, STEMCELL Technologies
(Vancouver, BC)
I continue to be impressed by the Breakthrough T1D and their impact in funding world class research, supporting and advocating for families and influencing government policy all to help improve the lives of people and families living with T1D. My son Oskar has benefited tremendously from the advancement of treatments that are available due to the research the Breakthrough T1D funds and the support that they provide. I am compelled to do what I can to support this cause and help expedite a cure for type 1 diabetes!

Ryan MacDonald
Ernst & Young LLP, Partner
Senior Client Service Partner
(West, Calgary, AB)
“From the time of my son’s T1D diagnosis, I made a promise to him (and myself) that we would be committed to funding a cure and assist those living with diabetes. As we became involved with Breakthrough T1D, I realized it was our responsibility to continue the work of the families that came before us and founded this amazing organization.”

Hélène Michel
FCPA Auditor, Managing Partner Audit Quebec, Mallette
(Quebec City, QC)
It was in August 2017 that Édouard, my then 12 year old son, was diagnosed with T1D. In June 2019, Édouard and I became involved in the Walk to Cure Diabetes as Honourary Chair and Ambassador respectively. Since then, we have been involved with Breakthrough T1D with the common goal of putting a stop to type one diabetes.

Vanessa Oliver
Founder, Regent Street
(Toronto, ON)

Rebecca Saturley
Chair, HR Committee,
Managing Partner, Stewart McKelvey
(Halifax, NS)
I am excited about the opportunity to be on the board of Breakthrough T1D because I want to be part of the team that is committed to funding research that will both improve the lives of people at all ages and all stages of T1D and finding a cure. My son was diagnosed with T1D at Age 9 – he inspires me as he manages the challenges of his disease everyday and he never lets it hold him back. With a cure, these challenges will become a thing of the past!

Murray Suey
Regional Managing Partner, KPMG Calgary
(Calgary, AB)
“Recent events have demonstrated that the health of Canadians has never been more important. I volunteer with Breakthrough T1D knowing that the organization is relentless in the pursuit of finding a cure for type 1 diabetes and improving the lives of all Canadians, including a member of my family, who lives with T1D.”

Sara Tanaka
Cavell Risk, Inc., Founder/Partner
(Toronto, ON)
"My daughter, Georgia, was diagnosed with T1D 3 years ago, at age 4. I vowed to do everything in my power to find a cure. Since I can’t go back in time and become a scientist, I am committed to volunteering and fundraising to advance critical research. I am honoured to do my part, in support of this incredible organization which has provided me with both purpose and much needed community. "

Matthew Varey
Breakthrough T1D International Board Member, Senior Vice President, RBC
(Toronto, ON)
"What is given is yours forever. Breakthrough T1D is an incredible purposeful organization that gives of itself to the over 300,000 Canadians that don’t deserve to live life with T1D. I am completely humbled to be part of Breakthrough T1D’s mission as it will make life better.”

Justin Vineberg
Partner, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
(Montreal, QC)
“I volunteer as a board member because insulin is not a cure and I am committed to ensuring that we make advances in technology to improve diabetes management. I am working to make life easier and healthier for families like mine who struggle with the daily highs and lows of diabetes. I want to help create a safer and better future for my daughter Joelle and others like her who live with T1D.”