Securing coverage through private insurance : Meagan’s story


Upon a recent appointment with her endocrinologist, Meagan learned she would need to start with a new insulin pump that would give her the best control possible, but would also result on relying on a CGM — an expense she wasn’t prepared for, despite being a working professional with private insurance.

January 25, 2020

JDRF and Lilly advance stem cell-based therapy research in Canada with new fellowship


Toronto, ON, May 14, 2020 – Dr. Rangarajan Sambathkumar, a pioneering young investigator at the University Health Network in Toronto, has been awarded a second post-doctoral fellowship ($60,000) for his stem cell research, based on an ongoing collaboration between JDRF Canada and Eli Lilly Canada Inc. (Lilly Canada).

May 14, 2020

Making the best of the COVID-19 situation


With visits to healthcare professionals (HCPs) now mostly virtual, tele-health and Zoom meetings now the norm, there comes a heavier reliance on self-monitoring.

July 23, 2020

Screening for Type 1 Diabetes


In collaboration with CIHR, JDRF Canada has recently announced a major funding opportunity in the area of screening for T1D risk. Here, we explain the reason why screening for T1D […]

June 27, 2022

2021 Wrap Up


2021 was a year of strength and we believe that 2022 will be one of hope. Canadians are resilient, and though this pandemic continues to challenge, the tenacious spirit of […]

December 20, 2021

Stigma and type 1 diabetes


An often under looked aspect of living with a chronic condition like type 1 diabetes (T1D) is the stigma that can accompany it. Generally, diabetes stigma can be defined as […]

February 23, 2024