Education Series

Let’s Talk T1D: Mental Health Awareness Month; Coping and Resiliency with T1D

When:  Thursday, May 30, 2024, 7:00pm EST (French), 8:00pm EST (English)

Where: Microsoft Teams (a link will be sent after registration)

Who: Moderated by JDRF and featuring Dr. Michael Vallis, PhD R Psych

As part of our ongoing Let’s Talk T1D Education Series and as part of Mental Health Awareness Month, this virtual event will provide a brief overview of JDRF’s Mental Health strategy, and a session on mental health living with a chronic disease, led by Dr. Michael Vallis, PhD R Psych who is an Associate Professor, Family Medicine and Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Dalhousie University, as well as Affiliate Scientist (Research), Nova Scotia Health.

Mental health matters. Especially for those living with diabetes, a chronic condition that requires countless decisions every day about food, rest, play and more.

People with diabetes are more likely to experience mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders and can benefit from interventions that prevent or treat these mental health conditions.

This session will outline why it is normal to think and feel certain ways about having T1D, how accepting and adjusting to change can be hard, and provide tips and coping strategies to help you better manage living with a chronic condition or be a caregiver to a person living with T1D.

This event is open to everyone, but please note that we won’t be able to answer any individual questions about personal mental health concerns.

To find a mental health provider trained by the Mental Health + Diabetes Training Program, please visit

For additional information on mental health support in Canada, please visit

Link to register: