A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.


Updates from the Teplizumab Trial: You’re Not Going to Believe the Results

Last year, at the American Association for Diabetes (ADA) Scientific Sessions, a drug, called teplizumab, was able to significantly delay—for over two years—the onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in participants with a high risk of developing the disease. This was the first ever study in humans to show a delay in the onset of T1D. But it doesn’t stop there. JDRF has very promising updated results.

Virtual care for T1D during the COVID-19 pandemic – and beyond

The type 1 diabetes (T1D) community has always embraced new technology – with insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), flash glucose monitors (FGMs), and a variety of T1D-focused apps rapidly becoming essential tools for many people. It’s no surprise, then, that the T1D community has quickly adapted to accessing healthcare virtually.

In-Home Test Kits Make Screening Convenient and Easy

TrialNet—an international JDRF-supported network of leading academic institutions, endocrinologists, physicians, scientists and healthcare teams dedicated to finding cures for type 1 diabetes (T1D)—has a new in-home test kit that makes screening far easier and more convenient and at no cost to you!

How is COVID-19 Affecting T1D Research?

Knowing that many research institutes are closed or have temporarily diverted staff or resources to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are now asking the question: What does this mean for T1D research?

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