A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.


7 Quick Tips for Drinking with Type 1 Diabetes

We sat down with our JDRF Marketing & Communications summer student, Evelyn Riddell, who lives with type 1 diabetes (T1D) to get her quick tips on how to drink responsibly with T1D.

Developing an insulin patch pump with open-protocol communication

Imagine an automated insulin delivery system that is able to connect with other devices seamlessly. A state-of-the-art, tubeless technology that provides continuous insulin therapy, operates on its own platform and publishes its own communication protocol.

New JDRF-funded study aims to prevent type 1 diabetes in infants

Researchers at Oxford University (UK) are offering powdered insulin to babies at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D) with the hope of training their immune systems to tolerate the insulin they produce, thereby offering life-long protection against the disease.

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