A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.


Exploring the link between hypoglycemia and abnormal heart rhythms

Getting a restful night’s sleep is often an elusive goal for many. Yet for someone living with type 1 diabetes (T1D), it can be more worrisome than challenging given the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). In fact, a new research study reveals that hypoglycemia can also induce abnormal heart rhythms, which in some cases could lead to cardiac failure.

An insulin pill for type 1 diabetes

Administering multiple insulin injections is one of the many daily burdens for people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) – particularly among those with a needle phobia. However, a team of scientists is hoping to change all that with the development of an insulin pill to manage the condition.

7 Quick Tips for Drinking with Type 1 Diabetes

We sat down with our JDRF Marketing & Communications summer student, Evelyn Riddell, who lives with type 1 diabetes (T1D) to get her quick tips on how to drink responsibly with T1D.

Developing an insulin patch pump with open-protocol communication

Imagine an automated insulin delivery system that is able to connect with other devices seamlessly. A state-of-the-art, tubeless technology that provides continuous insulin therapy, operates on its own platform and publishes its own communication protocol.

New JDRF-funded study aims to prevent type 1 diabetes in infants

Researchers at Oxford University (UK) are offering powdered insulin to babies at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D) with the hope of training their immune systems to tolerate the insulin they produce, thereby offering life-long protection against the disease.

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