Leave a Gift in Your Will / Charitable Bequest

You can make a donation through your estate by including a charitable bequest to JDRF Canada in your Will. You may designate a specific gift amount, or contribute all or a percentage of your estate. Your contribution will help future generations of Canadians living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and will ensure JDRF has the resources needed to continue to find a cure for T1D and its complications.


Benefits of a Charitable Bequest

There is no immediate cost to you, so your gift won’t reduce the funds you have to live on.

You could make a bigger gift than what may be possible during your lifetime.

The final income tax payable on your estate can be reduced or even eliminated, which can be a big advantage to your heirs.

Please Note: If you die without a Will, the government will appoint a public trustee who will decide how the assets of your estate will be distributed. Make sure your legacy wishes are honoured by having a Will.


Possible Wording for Your Charitable Bequest

The following is sample language for including a gift in your Will to JDRF Canada:

  • Unrestricted Bequest – Funds: “I give $__________ from OR _____% of my estate to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada, 600-235 Yorkland Boulevard, Toronto, ON, M2J 4Y8, to be directed to the area of research in greatest need of funding as per JDRF Canada.”
  • Unrestricted Bequest – Assets: “I give _____ shares of __________ [Full Name of Company] to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada, 600-235 Yorkland Boulevard, Toronto, ON, M2J 4Y8, to be directed to the area of research in greatest need of funding as per JDRF Canada.”
  • Residual Bequest: “I give all OR _____% of the remainder of my estate to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada, 600-235 Yorkland Boulevard, Toronto, ON, M2J 4Y8, to be directed to the area of research in greatest need of funding as per JDRF Canada.”
  • Contingent Bequest: “I give $_______ OR _____% of my estate to Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada, 600-235 Yorkland Boulevard, Toronto, ON, M2J 4Y8 if (Full Name(s) of Beneficiary/ Beneficiaries) does/do not survive me, to be directed to the area of research in greatest need of funding as per JDRF Canada.”


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JDRF Canada’s Official Name and Address

Please be sure to include JDRF Canada’s complete legal name and address in your Will:

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada
600 – 235 Yorkland Boulevard
Toronto, ON M2J 4Y8
Charitable Number: 1118976604RR0001


To learn more, please fill out a request for information, or contact:

Lisa Charlton
National Director, Events and Annual Giving
Toll-free: 1.877.287.3533
Email: lcharlton@jdrf.ca
Charitable Number: 111897 6604 RR0001