A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.A group of people connect there arms together and have smiles on their faces.


COVID-19 Vaccines and T1D

JDRF welcomes the authorization of the first COVID-19 vaccine by Health Canada, which we hope will be one of many to be approved in the coming months to address the pandemic. We are grateful for the unprecedented effort by the many research scientists, clinical trial participants, industry partners and government officials who contributed to global efforts to rapidly bring COVID-19 vaccines through the pipeline and to our communities.

COVID-19 and Type 1 Diabetes – What We Know Now

Protecting yourself from the virus on top of everyday diabetes management is a lot to deal with.

Fortunately, we are now better equipped with knowledge of how the virus works and how to best protext ourselves from contracting it. And there is hope on the horizon.

Dear Type 1™: What I want you to know

We invited people affected by type 1 diabetes (T1D) – children, parents and researchers – to share what they wish people knew about what it means to live with this disease. Read on to learn varying perspectives of how T1D affects members of the community every single day.

JDRF launches Beyond Insulin™

JDRF is on a mission to continuously improve the quality of life for people living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and find a cure for T1D. As all JDRF grants are donor funded, more support is needed to push crucial research forward in Canada. And that’s why we’re inviting you to join Beyond Insulin – our new group of supporters dedicated to accelerating research and helping to find new treatments and ultimately a cure for T1D.

Let’s Talk about type 1 diabetes!

This year hasn’t been easy. As we adapt to a new way of living and shift our means of interaction virtually, we wanted to make sure we were still able to provide you with the best updates in research, education and all-things type 1 diabetes (T1D). So we launched Let’s Talk T1D!

Halloween 2020 Guide

For many families newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D), few words instill as much fear as Halloween. A whole holiday centered on candy can be a lot for families to handle. However, with the right tools and attitude, Halloween can be just as fun for someone with T1D as it is for any other goblin or ghoul.

Here are some helpful tips for having a T1D scare-free Halloween.

Back to School and Hypoglycemia

Back to school includes a lot more than just a backpack, notebooks, and a pencil case. Getting back into the school routine requires a lot of preparation and planning for kids who live with type 1 diabetes (T1D)

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